
Spring System Activation

Extracted from the 2021 Symphony Village Landscape Contract

  1. The contractor first will collect all components such as backflow devices, sensors, controllers, etc. that may have been removed over the winter and reinstall them into their regular locations.

  2. The contractor will begin the spring system activation during the first or second week of April each year weather permitting and plan on being on-site for each normal weekday (Monday-Friday), until the activation is completed and the system is performing satisfactorily.

  3. System will be energized (pressurized) from the controller(s), all zones will be checked electrically for continuity and all decoders, connectors, etc. are 'pinged' to ensure communication. Radio transmission capabilities must be fully operational.

  4. The contractor will inspect and ensure the rain sensor is operational and will then activate every zone and inspect all components (heads). While walking the system, the contractor will make adjustments to arc and radius of the spray heads as needed.

  5. The contractor will note plant material type, head type and exposure to assist in proper programming of the controller and will record any broken, leaking, or missing components and notify the Symphony Village General Manager of their findings.

  6. The contractor will create proposal(s) to perform any necessary repairs and any recommended upgrades or modifications that may improve the system.

  7. Once the system has been prepared for operation, the contractor will create a watering schedule that will work within the community watering windows and also take into consideration any environmental factors that have been noted, such as plant type, slope, soil, etc. This information will be submitted and then once approved, the watering schedule will be programmed into the Irrigation Controller and implemented.

  8. Schedule of run times will be developed with the Symphony Village General Manager by the end of May each year. Changes of schedule will be reported lo Symphony Village General Manager in a timely manner.

  9. Contractor will provide a survey map of Symphony Village listing areas that are defined as "too wet". A plan to resolve these problem sites (between houses, the roundabouts, and other areas) including shutting off and or changing head types will be discussed with the Contractor, the Symphony Village General Manager, and the Symphony Village Landscape and Irrigation Committee after the final inspection in May. Work on this plan to begin immediately after it is adopted, with weekly progress reports by irrigation supervisor.

  10. Verify that all water pressure sensors are operational and water pressure throughout the system is satisfactory.

  11. Ensure monitoring and surveillance sensors are communicating with Tucor controller in the gatehouse. Ensure Primary PLC notifications are operational.

  12. Test Notifications and Alert functionality by simulating system failures.

  13. Final inspection by the Contractor in preparation for system start-up will be completed no later than the end of the second week of April each year, weather permitting. A community-wide test of the system will be completed no later than the end of the second week of May each year.