

The Symphony Village Lifestyle Committee promotes a variety of social, educational, and charitable events designed to appeal to a cross section of residents. Our goal is to enhance neighborhood camaraderie, fellowship, and a sense of community responsibility.

What we the committee does for Symphony Village:

  • Plan and promote social, educational, informational, and charitable events to enhance the communityโ€™s active adult lifestyle.

  • Publicize planned events in the Symphony Village newsletter, Libretto.

  • Sponsor and plan the monthly Social Hours.

  • Publish a calendar of upcoming events on the Symphony Village Website.

Lifestyle Scheduled Events

Please clink on the calendar below you wish to view larger.

Previously Recorded Lifestyle Events

Bluebirds of Happiness with Pete Zerhusen

Have any suggestions, comments, or input?

Submit any comments, suggestions, or input with this form. Don't forget to click on Submit when done. After submitting, you will be prompted to send an email if you want to send any attachment(s) or photos.

Lifestyle Committee Members:
Amy Landen, Co-Chair
Bob Hooper, Co-Chair
Kathleen Becker, Vice Chair
Debi Hooper, Secretary
Joe Sikes, Treasurer
Marie Bossie
Claudia Davis
Jim Davis
Jane Diepenbrock
Charlotte Godfrey
Carolyn Harty
Deborah Miller
Carol Powell
Ellen Reid
Linda Schmidt
Cynthia Flisher. Inactive

Mary Jo Keefe Volpicelli, Board Liaison

Meeting Times:
First Monday of Every Month
at 3:00 p.m. - Concert Hall

Committee Meeting Agendas

Committee Meeting Minutes

Registration Required By May 1!